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Mei 29, 2012

Download Avira AntiVirus Personal-Free Antivirus

2 Komentar Dari Agan
Hallo,Saya Update Tentang Antivirus Lagi Nih.Hehe Mumpung Internet lagi bagus.Avira Antivirus sangat mudah digunakan.dan kemampuannya tidak diragukan,mestipun Free Antivirus.saya juga pengguna avira lho
tapi ane gak begitu ngerti soal avira.jadi ane copast langsung dari Avira-nya

Avira offers:

-Extensive Malware Recognition of viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, worms, etc.
-Automatic incremental updates of antivirus signatures, engine and entire software.
-Permanent virus protection, with Virus Guard real time monitoring.
-Install and configuration in just a couple of steps, setup to protect your PC in minutes.
-Virus protection against known and unknown threats, using an advanced heuristic system.
-Scheduler where you can set the scanner to make automatic virus scans or updates on your system.
-Forum and phone support, Knowledge Base with virus descriptions available on web site.
-Vista Support.
-Rootkit Detection and Removal.

It constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs (such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc.), monitoring every action executed by the user or by the operating system and being able to react promptly when a malicious program is detected. Actions include repair, delete, block, rename and quarantine programs or files.
This application also features enhanced protection against unknown boot-sector viruses, issuing alerts for boot sectors suspicious formats. Through the permanent update of the detection engine, the protection is ensured constantly: the user can set the product to download any updates when available, thus keeping you clean and safe.


Avira AntiVirus Personal
Semoga Bermanfaat

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    berguna banget nih software
    kunjungi balik ya blog ku

  2. @Dan Krisna: makasih kunjungannya ya gan :a:
    oke TKP :g:

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